Residential Services

St. Catherine’s Center for Children’s Residential program serves children, ages five to 13, who have been removed from the care of their parents or legal guardians and require 24-hour supervised care in a therapeutic environment.
Children in our Residential program have a history of trauma and emotional or behavioral challenges, and are accepted in the program based on their need for intensive, therapeutic treatment in a residential setting. They require a greater level of structure than a family-based program such as foster care, but less than is required in a psychiatric hospital.
St. Catherine’s currently operates three residential facilities: a group residence known as Copson House, which accommodates up to 25 children, and two group homes—Byron and Hubbard House–which care for up to eight children each. The group home offers an environment less restrictive than the group residence, and serves children who can function in a home-like setting. Frequently, a child in the group residence may step down a level of care to our group home, or to a foster home, before discharge from the program.
Services Offered
- Individual, group and family therapy
- Psychiatric, psychological and behavioral evaluation
- Crisis assessment and stabilization
- Emergency assistance
- Specialized treatment
- 24/7 intensive care
- Daily recreational activities
- Permanency planning
Family reunification is the primary goal of the Residential program. A permanency plan for each child is developed upon admission to the program with that goal in mind. The individualized plan identifies obstacles and barriers to returning a child home, and works with both the family and child to bring that about. If family reunification is not possible or is not considered to be in the best interest of a child, the treatment team works to place the child in adoptive, kinship or foster care.

Program Placement
Children are placed in the Residential program through Departments of Social Services of their home counties after screening and assessment by St. Catherine’s determine suitability for placement. To contact our team, click the button below.
Contact St. Catherine’s Center for Children
For more information about this program, please contact us today.