In-Kind Goods
We are so very thankful for your gifts!
St. Catherine’s staff is eager to partner with community friends who share concern for the welfare of children, families and individuals who are in need. We are always delighted to accept your donations of in-kind goods on behalf of the children and families we serve.

New Items
New items are most appreciated. Adults often feel defeated because of their inability to care for their families. They appreciate your support, especially your gifts of new clothing and hygiene items.
Please make prior arrangements for delivery of new, in-kind goods.

Donate goods to St. Catherine’s and help other worthy causes at the same time! GyvLINK is a new donation service that catalogs donation requests. Organizations enter the exact number of an item they need. When someone donates those items, St. Catherine’s can receive what it needs, and any excess will go to another organization with the same need! Click below for more information!

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept donated furniture, but we are pleased to be members of the Capital Region Furniture Bank, which may be able to accept your donation.
If you have gently used furniture to donate, call: (518) 612-2265.
Tell them St. Catherine’s Center for Children referred you!