Homeless & Housing Services
St. Catherine’s Homeless & Housing Services offer shelter and supportive care options for homeless families and individuals, and those who are at risk of becoming homeless. St. Catherine’s provides safe and secure shelter to those in need and offers supplemental services that are essential for the welfare of a family or individual. Services include counseling and treatment services, child day care, transportation, some health care, and intervention services for families at risk of becoming homeless, among others. St. Catherine’s homeless family services covers Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer and Schenectady counties.

Marillac Family Shelter
Marillac Shelter offers a safe and secure shelter for families and individuals experiencing homelessness.

Michael's House
Michael’s House is a supportive housing complex providing specialized care to families and individuals in need of transitional housing.

Project HOST
Project HOST assists families and individuals needing affordable housing with tenancy support though case management and advocacy services.